Fri, 13 December 2019
Our guest today is Baden Schaff, who is a PGA pro in golf, and he is also the co-creator of Skillest. Now you might've heard me talk about Skillest, this is the app that we use at our clinics and at our camps, to help analyze swimmers strokes and also just to really show them what they're doing under the water. And for me, this is an app that is completely changed the way that we coach, and I've got Baden to thank for that. And we're going to talk a little bit about Skillest, but also talk about what are some lessons that Baden has learned from coaching people in golf, and how we can apply that to swimming, and how you can improve your own swimming through some of those lessons.
Direct download: Lessons_From_Golf_That_Will_Improve_Your_Swimming_With_Baden_Schaff.m4a
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