The Effortless Swimming Podcast

My guest today is Phil Clayton. Phil was a professional Ironman, Surf Ironman Competitor from 1992 to 2004. In 2000, he won the World Ironman Championships. He has a lot of experience as a Surf Ironman Coach and as a swim coach. His main thing is helping people get comfortable, get experience to become open water swimmers.

05:06 Swimming Background
06:55 Where Do You Start?
12:48 Swimming In The Ocean
15:23 The Story That You Are Telling Yourself
17:34 "Marine Creatures"
28:38 Breathing Cycle
29:28 Bilaterral Breathing
33:32 Creating A Community

Direct download: 209_Uncovering_The_Magic_Of_Ocean_Swimming_with_Phil_Clayton.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:42pm AEST