The Effortless Swimming Podcast

My guest on today's podcast is Stephen Jackson who first attended a clinic in 2017. At the time he was a 2:20/100m swimmer, and over the course of the last few years
he's been able to move into the 1:40/100m range. In this episode, you'll learn what to expect as you progress in your swimming journey and how you can find continual improvement in your technique and speed.


1:09 Athletic Background
1:54 I Swim Like A Rock
3:14 Before And After The Clinic
3:54 What Got Me In
5:00 Making It Simple
7:25 Don't Limit Yourself
8:19 Implementing The Changes Of The Stroke In A Race
10:00 "It's Motivating If You Know What Can Make You Faster"
11:00 The Difference In Training
12:37 It Starts With The Posture
14:10 Target Pace

Direct download: Stephen_Jackson.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 2:30pm AEST