Aug 14, 2023
It’s an all new Flight for Sight podcast. Brian and Ed visited with Shawn Keen and Steve Mendez while in Dallas, er, make that Ft. Worth.
While having some beers and a late night, the batteries on the M2 recording device decided to call it an early night, so Brian, Ed, Steve, and Shawn got back together over Zoom to discuss meeting up in Ft. Worth.
We start off discussing the difference between Ft. Worth and Dallas.
Shawn then tells us about going blind at a young age due to Glaucoma, and his first experiences with technology.
Steve then tells us about his vision loss experience and how he and Shawn became friends.
We discuss Shawn and Steven’s first experiences using an iPhone.
Steven then tells us that it wasn’t anxiety or depression that affected him most while losing his vision, but rather the fear of getting around.
Shawn then tells us about the DART transportation system in Dallas, and how accessible travel is in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area.
We discuss navigating with the Oko app.
Shawn then tells us about his assistive technology training company Total Tech Solutions.
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