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Happy Sad Confused

Oct 25, 2015

Director Danny Boyle is as charming as he is talented. Danny joins Josh this week to talk about the world of Steve Jobs, how the best stuff coms from not knowing what you're doing, working with Ewan McGregor once again after having a falling out in the past, and the long awaited sequel to Trainspotting. Learn more about...

Oct 19, 2015

Vin Diesel, star of The Last Witch Hunter joins Josh this week for a very rare podcast appearance! Vin talks about his indie filmmaking roots, writing the script for his first short film Multi-Facial in five days, the story why he passed on taking a role in Reindeer Games, and his dream project Hannibal. Learn more...

Oct 12, 2015

Miss Winona Ryder has been a movie geek from a very young age watching Cassavetes films thanks to her mother's projectionist connections. Winona joins Josh to talk about trying to jump into Fantasia the first time she went to the movies and being asked to leave, becoming friends almost immediately with Tim Burton, and...

Oct 5, 2015

One of our best living filmmakers, Guillermo del Toro joins Josh to talk about his new romantic gothic horror film Crimson Peak, encountering the supernatural in the haunted Waitomo Caves Hotel in New Zealand, being heavily influenced by Alfred Hitchcock and George Miller, and the possibility of a third Hellboy film in...