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Happy Sad Confused

Apr 27, 2022

Josh welcomes Alexander Skarsgard back to the podcast for a special LIVE event in New York City to chat about THE NORTHMAN, and Alex's career, from ZOOLANDER and TRUE BLOOD, to his Thor audition, to BIG LITTLE LIES, and more! Don't forget to check out the Happy Sad Confused patreon here! We've got exclusive episodes of...

Apr 20, 2022

It's not every day we welcome an actor of Elisabeth Moss' caliber to the podcast let alone one who's a fan of the show themselves! It's true mutual admiration between Elisabeth and Josh on this episode as star of "The Handmaid's Tale" talks about her new series, "Shining Girls", what she learned on "The West Wing"...

Apr 13, 2022

First up, Josh catches up with the enigmatic genius that is David Lynch on the occasion of the re-release of INLAND EMPIRE. Then, for our deep dive chat, it's Josh Brolin! Brolin in the middle of a hell of a second act and he's here to tell the tale. The star of NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN, MILK, & THE GOONIES reflects on...