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Berner Phone

Feb 27, 2019

She is known on Instagram as the "healer of the hood" and mental health/cannabis advocate. Emilia chats with Hannah about witchcraft,  what it means to be an empath, CBD, reincarnation, knowing her boyfriend is a past life, being bisexual, getting out of depression, and the afterlife.

LIVE SHOW (use the code BERN for...

Feb 24, 2019

You guys! This is the first ever crossover/remix/collab episode with Berning In Hell X We Met At Acme. In this episode, Lindsey gives Hannah an astrological consultation and Hannah chats with the podcast veteran about her dating demons, worst heartbreak, trust issues, being Type A, and leaving corporate America.

Go to...

Feb 20, 2019

Sonny got fired by his own dad but now he runs multiple meme accounts with millions of followers. He's not motivated by money and is now looking for marriage- who the hell is this guy? He keeps his identity private, which makes him much more interesting. He also doesn't know what his five year plan is and Hannah would...

Feb 13, 2019

She stands 6’1” without heels, from Miami, Florida… Michelle Collins! You may have heard her on Sirius XM or seen her on The View. She also is kind of a big deal because she was nominated for an Emmy. But despite all her success in show business, her dating life is all over the place. A psychic told her that she...

Feb 6, 2019

She is DA REALEST influencer in the game and an athleisure queen with sponsors through the roof. Her life has been an open book with breakups, nipple piercings, getting rejected as a soul cycle instructor, but she still has personal demons she doesn't show her followers. Also, we found out we hooked up with the same guy...