Mar 27, 2019
Komal Kapoor is the creator of one of the first art poetry pages on Instagram. She quit her corporate job to help individuals be more themselves. She comes from a traditional South Asian family and it caused her to not express her feelings. This made her great at her job, but not great at relationships. We discuss...
Mar 20, 2019
Jared Freid fights with Hannah over a cupcake, explains what it's like to diet as a male, how to show your date your authentic self, why jared is so fascinated with The Bachelor, why he quit his corporate job, when you should cry after sex, the rules of cuddling after sex, whether jared would want Kris Jenner as his...
Mar 13, 2019
Remy didn't have an orgasm until she was 27 years old so naturally we had to overanalyze that. She educates us on the pleasure gap, communication during sex, rejection masturbating, how the P-word is dangerous, sex toys, masturbating tips, feeling sexy, smoking weed everyday, what the clit actually looks like,...
Mar 6, 2019
Hannah makes fun of Max for being "so LA". Max never felt like he belonged in his small town of Marlboro, New Jersey. Fast forward a couple years and he has dated some of the coolest girls in Hollywood, has a million followers, and is a successful actor. Breaking into the industry hasn't been easy and after some...