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Fur Real with Mark A Kyle

Dec 26, 2023

Cabo San Lucas!!  What does it make you think about? Beach and Margaritas? Probably not about the abundance of stray dogs and cats..... Did you know that Mexico is ranked Number 1 for over population of dogs and cats?

In this episode Aida Trujillo of Pet Los Cabos and Paula Myers of SNAP Los Barriles joins us. Wait to...

Dec 19, 2023

Your furry friend has an issue that traditional treatment is only helping marginally. They are your best friend and you want the best for them....

In this episode two of the top Integrative Veterinarians, Dr. Angie Stamm and Dr. Adam Lassin, join us and they eplain, just what "Integrative Veterinarynot Medicine" is and...

Dec 12, 2023

Imagine being a female inmate in a prison because your past mistakes have put you there. You really have no direction for the future.

Someone comes up to you and offers an opportunity you never even imagined. "How would you like to help train rescue dogs that will in turn teach you empathy and greater responsibility?...

Dec 5, 2023


Uncover the untold truths about wolves in this week's episode of Fur Real as we dive deep into the world of these majestic creatures with special guest Lauren Gualding from Saint Francis Wolf Sanctuary. No fiction, just pure facts! Lauren unravels the myths surrounding wolves (canis lupis)  and sheds light on...

Nov 28, 2023

Discover the cost-effective and accessible world of pet insurance as explained by Dr. Abel Lera. Learn how pet insurance allows you to prioritize your pet's health over financial constraints, providing options that align with your budget and your furry friend's well-being.

 Gain valuable insights from a veterinarian's...