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Fur Real with Mark A Kyle

Dec 26, 2023

Cabo San Lucas!!  What does it make you think about? Beach and Margaritas? Probably not about the abundance of stray dogs and cats..... Did you know that Mexico is ranked Number 1 for over population of dogs and cats?

In this episode Aida Trujillo of Pet Los Cabos and Paula Myers of SNAP Los Barriles joins us. Wait to your hear their inspiring stories and the determination both women and organziations have in making Baja a better place for the animals and people of Baja. While the solutions may sound simple... remember simple is really hard to do and they are doing it!

@thefurrealpodcast   @petloscabos  @4snaplosbarriles

Speical thanks to J Jig Cicero @jjigcicero for our music intro and rock!!!

Special thanks to Jake Olson for awesome sound editing

 and to our supporters:   Stem cells for pets Pet walking and more!