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Fur Real with Mark A Kyle

Mar 5, 2024

Your pets "Teef" health is more important than you know. Their "TEEF" can be the root cause of many other things. Dr. Emily Stein goes to the root of the problem. What if the health of your pets "TEEF" could drastically change their health to the better? And... what if there was an easy solution to getting healthy "TEEF" and thereby having a healthier pet. This episode goes into the biology of bacteria and many other things. Dr. Stein was a delight, shes witty, charming and very informative. You will really enjoy this one.    @teefhealth  FB TEEFhealth


Speical thanks to J Jig Cicero @jjigcicero for our music intro and rock!!!

Special thanks to Jake Olson for awesome sound editing

 and to our supporters:  Stem cells for pets Pet walking and more!