Apr 2, 2024
Its is estimated that over 500,000 dogs are missing or abandoned due to the Ukraine war. That does not include all the other captive and wild animals. ifaw (International Fund for Animal Welfare" is doing everything in their power to help. Katerina Kyrsta joins me to discuss everything Ukraine, how she can't go home and how working with ifaw is makeing a difference ..... what they are doing to help her country's animal victims.... from supporting local rescue organizations, supplying much needed food, helping not only for companion animals but caprtive and wild animals. Can you imagine how it would feel to have to flee your home but not being able to find you pet and have to abandon them? ifaw has stepped up to the plate big time and wait to you hear this story... its heartwrenching and heartwarming at the same time.
www.ifaw.org ig @ifawglobal fb ifaw tiktok ifawglobal X @ifawglobal threads @ifawglobal
www.furrealpodcast.com ig @thefurrealpodcast fb The Fur Real Podcast
threads @thefurrealpodcast tik tok @thefurrealpodcast
Speical thanks to J Jig Cicero @jjigcicero for our music intro and outro..you rock!!!
Special thanks to Jake Olson jfolson.music@gmail.com for awesome sound editing
and to our supporters:
www.prepvet.com Stem cells for pets
www.letswalkaustin.com www.letswalkhouston.com www.letswalkdenver.com Pet walking and more!