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Fur Real with Mark A Kyle

Apr 16, 2024

World Famous "Faith the Surfing Pit Bull" and her dad James Wall joins us  joins us. You know it really hard to get famous people on the podcast.... but we got them!!! James and Faith's story is really amazing. Not only is she a rescue...James had never surfed before! Their journey is inspiring...think about this..... you get rescued by this amazing family....then you learn how to surf.... and then become world famous!!! If you like water sports you'll love this story...if you love surfing you may love it more.... these dogs really surf..big waves and all!!! Now at world champaionships ( which thousands attend) people are coming up for selfies!!! I love this story!!

 IG   @faithsurfs     FB Faith the Surfing Pitbull  tiktok @faithsurfs



Speical thanks to J Jig Cicero @jjigcicero for our music intro and rock!!!

Special thanks to Jake Olson for awesome sound editing

 and to our supporters:  Stem cells for pets Pet walking and more!