May 31, 2024
1SAMUEL 23-24:
As David fled from Saul, he went for help to
Ahimelech the priest. He needed food and wanted to consult with the
Lord, and it happened that Ahimelech also gave him Goliath's sword.
This resulted later in Ahimilech's death and the deaths of all of
Ahimilech's family— except one, Abiathar.
PSALM 104b:
May 30, 2024
1SAMUEL 21-22:
Yesterday we heard the touching story of David
and Jonathan's deep friendship, and how Jonathan realized at last
the secret plot that his father, Saul, had against David. Jonathan
seems to have been a prophet, for he realized that he would not
succeed his father as king.
PSALM 104a:
is a companion with...
May 29, 2024
Yesterday we heard the slow escalation of
David's problems stemming from Saul's jealousy. Saul made David his
son-in-law, but only because of the hope that David would be killed
by the Philistines. For only the first time in yesterday's reading,
we heard how Saul was humbled because of the results of
May 28, 2024
1SAMUEL 18-19:
yesterday's story, David showed that he was more concerned with
God's reputation than for his own safety. May we all face our
imposing enemies with more belief in the unseen God than in the
very present enemies!
PSALM 102:
psalm starts out like the prayer of anyone in distress and trouble
May 27, 2024
told Samuel to anoint one of Jesse's sons as the next king of
Israel. Anointing another king while one is still ruling is rather
dangerous. So God told Samuel how to do that without making it
public. That story included this memorable quote: “The LORD doesn’t
see things the way you see them. People...