Feb 9, 2025
EXODUS 32-33:
Yesterday we read about the plans for the
incense altar, and about the making of incense and anointing oil.
We heard also of God's choosing and giving ability to Bezalel and
Oholiab for making everything required in the worship of God. And
God emphasized the importance of keeping the Sabbath as
Feb 9, 2025
EXODUS 30-31:
Yesterday we heard the instructions for
consecrating the priests for their special work.
is an evening hymn expressing our trust in God.
Yesterday we read of Jesus being tested by the
devil, and we reread the story of how Jesus was rejected in his
home town. When Jesus had finished...
Feb 9, 2025
Yesterday we read about the design of the altar
for burnt offerings and the plans for the courtyard. The dimensions
we heard the day before were for the sacred tent that was enclosed
by the courtyard that we heard about yesterday. And we read about
the fabulous garments for the priests, Aaron and...
Feb 9, 2025
EXODUS 27-28:
Yesterday in Exodus, we heard the beginning
plans given by God for the Tabernacle (or sacred tent) and the Arc
of the Covenant that were to become the focal point for worship of
God under the Covenant. The whole Tabernacle— and particularly the
atonement cover on top of the Arc of the Covenant (called
Feb 9, 2025
EXODUS 25-26:
Yesterday we read the commands for the
Israelites to be good neighbors and to practice justice. And we
heard the requirement for all Israelites to celebrate three
festivals, and God gave promises of how He would bring them into
the land. Then we read the story of how Moses led the people in
accepting the...