Dec 29, 2024
Most people find out about the DBRP through the YouVersion Bible reading app on their smart device. If you are one who has found out about these podcasts through some other means (such as via Apple Podcasts), then I want to make you aware that the Bible app created by YouVersion is wonderful. You can subscribe to the Digging Deeper Daily reading plan within the app, then reading along with these daily podcasts is very easy. Just start your episode using your podcast player, then go to your day in the YouVersion Reading Plan. Please be aware that you can turn on the YouVersion app’s audio for the Digging Deeper Daily reading plan. If you do this, a very nice Alexa/Siri-like voice will read the devotional introductions to the three readings for the day, and after that the voice for the Bible you select will read the Bible readings. This makes a great way to add variety to your daily listening if you get tired of my voice, however, there will be no prayer at the end.
I again want to express my gratitude to Tyndale House Foundation for their permission to publish the full audio of the NLT Bible through this podcast series. The full copyright attribution text is found at the end of the episode notes for each podcast.
Based on my experience as a Bible translator, I have made a few changes to the text of the NLT for these podcasts. These are for the sake of clarity and naturalness for those who are only listening to the recordings without reading along. All of my changes are documented in the episode notes, sometimes with brief explanations.
In Genesis 5, we heard the overview of the descendants of Adam and
Eve up to Noah. In chapter 6, Noah was further introduced. Also the
reason for the flood was explained.
JOB 4:
In chapter 3 Job cursed the day he was born and expressed his deep
Remember that in the speeches of Job’s three friends we will see a mixture of truth and error. In particular, we should not follow Eliphaz’s example in today’s chapter. The Bible tells us repeatedly that we are not to trust or listen to communication from spirits. We will read the second chapter of Eliphaz’ response tomorrow.
In Mark 2, Jesus shocked his listeners by first forgiving a
paralyzed man’s sins before actually healing the man’s body. And in
three other events in chapter 2 we can see the beginnings of the
conflict between Jesus and the teachers of religious law and the
NLT Translation notes:
Job 4:6 How come//Doesn’t] your reverence for God
[doesn't/0] give you confidence?
[Perhaps you place too much confidence in your own integrity.//Doesn’t your life of integrity give you hope?]
[Translation note: I have interpreted the two questions in v6 as rebuking rhetorical questions and translated them as statements. See the note
at the end of Mark 3.]
Mrk. 3:10 He had healed many people that day, so all the [other/0] sick people eagerly pushed forward to touch him.
23 Jesus called them over and responded with an
illustration. [It is not possible that Satan would drive out his own demons.”//“How can Satan cast out Satan?” he asked.]
33 Jesus replied, [“Let me show you the kind of people whom I regard as my mother and brothers!”// “Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?]
[In verse 23, Jesus was not asking a real question. He was using a rhetorical question to open the topic he was going to teach about. In our translations in Indonesia, we frequently changed Jesus' rhetorical questions to statements. This is because in many languages (and really even in English) people do not use rhetorical questions as their topic sentence at the beginning of a teaching. So if we didn't change such questions to statements, our readers would wrongly think that Jesus was unsure about what He was talking about and that He often started by asking his audience for advice.]
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.