Jan 13, 2025
Yesterday we heard of the rivalry between Rachel and Leah, and
about more sons for Jacob— whose names all have meanings
appropriate to what Rachel or Leah were feeling at the time.
JOB 18:
Yesterday Job again complained that he was surrounded by mockers,
and despairingly again said
15 Where is there any hope for me?
Who sees any?
16 Hope will not go with me
when I go down to the world of the dead.
MARK 11:
Jesus has by now prepared his disciples for his death by
prophesying about it, and by teaching them about what it will be
like to ‘lead’ in His kingdom. And he healed Bartimaeus, who called
Jesus by his Messianic title: the Son of David.
NLT Translation notes:
22 Then Jesus said to the disciples, “[Believe fully//Have
faith] in God.
32 But [we don’t//do we] dare say it was merely
human[, do we/0]?” For they were afraid of what
the people would do, because everyone [in that
crowd//0] believed that John was a prophet.
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.