Dec 10, 2024
At the end of
Amos, the clouds of judgment broke and there were wonderful
promises about the restoration of Israel. God would shake the
nations like a sieve and not a single kernel (child of Israel)
would drop through the cracks and be lost. And Israel’s crops would
be so rich and fruitful. Then, did you...
Dec 9, 2024
In Amos 7 we heard of how the priest of Israel’s pagan shrine,
Amaziah, told Amos to go away, and Amaziah even tried to get king
Jeroboam the 2nd to move against Amos.
There were sad words at the end of chapter 8, which indeed happened during the 400 year inter-testamental period:
Amo. 8:11 NLT “The time...
Dec 8, 2024
AMOS 7-8:
Our reading in chapter 5 of Amos included these words quoted in Stephen’s speech in Acts 7:42-43 in the New Testament:
Amos 5:25 NLT “Was it to me you were bringing sacrifices
and offerings during the forty years in the wilderness,
No, you served your pagan
gods—Sakkuth your king god and Kaiwan...
Dec 7, 2024
AMOS 5-6:
One device that
Amos used in yesterday’s reading was rhetorical questions. He asked
a whole series of them like this one:
3:4 GNT Does a lion roar in the forest unless he has found a victim?
All of his rhetorical questions expect the unspoken answer, No. And they all led up to this one:
Amo. 3:8 NLT The lion...
Dec 6, 2024
AMOS 3-4:
As I said about Amos yesterday, he was wise in his methods. He
condemned Syria, the Philistines, Tyre, Edom, Ammon, and Moab
before coming around to Judah and finally the northern kingdom,
Israel. We also heard some of the wonderful word pictures Amos
ISAIAH 45:22-46.
Remember that in the last chapter...