Dec 3, 2024
I feel the need to comment about
chapter 9 of Esther and how the Jews “got rid” of their enemies.
Remember that those Jews were not Christians. (I know how silly
that sounds, but it is actually a common supposition among naive
Christians.) The revelation of God’s will did not come all at once,
and the Jews...
Dec 2, 2024
ESTHER 9-10:
We have heard
how Esther’s request was granted, the king and Haman came to the
second banquet, where Esther revealed her identity. The eunuch
Harbona just happened to have pertinent information about Haman’s
plans for Mordecai, and Haman was killed and impaled/hanged on the
pole he had planned to use for...
Dec 1, 2024
In Esther 5 Haman planned to impale Mordecai on a pole in the NLT,
or just hanged in the GNT. (Given the period of time, I think that
the impaling method is more likely to be right.) But on the same
night that Haman planned for that murder, God caused the king to
have a sleepless night and read in the annals...
Nov 30, 2024
In Esther 3-4 Haman cast lots (purim) to find out that March 7 was
the lucky date to exterminate the Jews. Mordecai requested that
Esther intercede directly to the king. And since she hadn’t been
called for, the only way to do that would endanger Esther herself,
since no one was allowed to approach the...
Nov 29, 2024
Yesterday we heard how Esther became the queen, and how she
continued to keep her Jewish background a secret. We also heard how
Mordecai, her uncle, was promoted to a palace official after
uncovering a plot to assassinate king Xerxes.
Today we are introduced to the villain of the story— Haman. The Jews...