Jan 26, 2025
Moses has responded to God's call, returned to
Egypt with Aaron, and has had a successful meeting with the leaders
of the Israelite people.
JOB 33:
is Elihu's second chapter of six in his speech.
Yesterday James told us to consider it a great
joy when troubles come our way. Don't miss James’...
Jan 26, 2025
yesterday's beginning to Exodus, we heard of Moses' birth and his
young adulthood in Egypt. He murdered a man and had to flee for his
life, going to Midian. We also read of his helping the seven
daughters of Reuel, a scene that I can't read without thinking of
the Cecil B. DeMill movie.
JOB 32:
Jan 26, 2025
Yesterday we wrapped up Genesis with Jacob's
very prophetic blessings for each of his sons. Then we heard of the
conclusion after Jacob was buried and finally Joseph
Exodus is clearly a continuation of the story of Genesis, since the first word in the Hebrew text is ‘And’. Tradition holds that Moses...
Jan 26, 2025
GENESIS 49-50:
In yesterday's reading, Jacob blessed Pharaoh, Joseph lead
powerfully during the worst of the famine, and Jacob blessed
Ephraim and Manasseh— putting the younger Ephraim above his older
brother. (And if you remember Jacob's story, you'll know where he
got that idea.)
JOB 30:
In the GNT, this is the 2nd...
Jan 26, 2025
GENESIS 47-48:
In yesterday's reading, Jacob arrived in Egypt with his family.
Excluding more extended family, the whole group numbered 70 people
at that time.
JOB 29:
Yesterday we heard the chapter in praise of God’s wisdom, which GNT
attributes to Zophar. Today Job speaks of his former blessings, in
the first of...