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Beautiful Stories From Anonymous People

Apr 25, 2023

A mother of 3 speaks with Geth about the best and worst year of her life. She opens up about separating from her toxic ex-husband, becoming a registered nurse, getting Meningitis, and falling in love with a mutual friend. She also describes the shocking confrontation that took place at her boyfriend’s house when her...

Apr 18, 2023

Geth speaks with one of the world's biggest yo-yo fans about shady yo-yo people, competitive yo-yoing, and what his partner thinks of his extensive yo-yo collection. Chris also reacts to a video of a famous yo-yoer while the caller breaks down his most impressive moves. Later on, they discuss the beauty of embracing...

Apr 11, 2023

A Cuban expat tells Chris about her incredible journey from Cuba to New Zealand to work on cancer immunotherapies. She opens up about why she left her home country and how the George Floyd protests made her question her own place in the world as a black, Cuban woman. She also discusses the importance of not...

Apr 4, 2023

A father opens up to Geth about a years long custody battle over his son with his ex. He discusses their decision to co-habitat as platonic roommates for 4 years despite breaking up before their son was even born. He also explains how his use of Psilocybin for cluster headaches was used against him in court.