Feb 22, 2022
Geth speaks with a new dad who recently got surgery to help him burp. Will the live crowd in Omaha get to hear the caller belch? Only time will tell. He and Chris also talk about favorite sodas, like/dislike of plant-based meat, and the sudden urge to protect your kid once they’re born.
Feb 15, 2022
A woman with cerebral palsy and a dark sense of humor tells the story of how her fiancé proposed. She discusses dating as a disabled person, "chair chasers", and why laughing is so important. She also bonds with Geth over a shared dislike of "Cotton Eyed Joe." Plus, more of Chris' favorite Valentine’s Day stories...
Feb 8, 2022
In honor of Valentine's Day, we're releasing some funny, heartwarming, heartbreaking episodes about dating and romance. Either she gets married in 3 weeks or disappoints 160 Greek people. A woman opens up about having feelings for someone else and the fact that she has a baby with her fiancé. Plus, check out some...
Feb 1, 2022
A graduate student getting her PhD in engineering talks about joining a sugar baby website to help pay for school. She speaks with Geth about how some of her clients just want companionship and what it was like living in “The Villages” for 6 months during the pandemic with her grandparents.