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What Nobody Tells Us with Christie Bishop

Dec 11, 2023

Welcome to the fourth installment of "What Nobody Tells Us: Holiday Survival Series." If you're in the same boat as millions of other Americans who have been laid off or fired in the last few months or, worse yet, during the holidays, you're not alone. Facing the holidays with uncertainty around your future employment, finances, and insurance can certainly dampen any holiday joy. But what if you could approach it with a different perspective that might even change your life?

Lori Greene, today's guest, certainly thinks so. Lori is the former Global Education Manager for Netflix, a company famous for its content but infamous for its treatment and rampant lay-offs of its employees. Lori and much of her team were recently laid off by Netflix -- which, to its credit, is upfront about their "transactional" employee-employer relationship. Shortly thereafter, Lori wrote a now-viral LinkedIn post entitled, "Congratulations, You've Been Fired."  

Lori's perspective is simple. She writes, "While getting fired can be scary, emotional, and difficult, it is NOT the end of your ascension. In fact, it could be the beginning of some of your best work." And as I strongly believe, major life changes shouldn't be looked at as rejection, but redirection.

Lori shares great personal and professional insight on the following: 

  • Her POV on the recent changes in the job market
  • Lori's motivation for writing her now-viral post
  • Describing a long list of "greats" whose firings led them to huge success
  • Advice for anyone who's recently laid off or fired and gone down the wormhole of despair
  • How to pull yourself out of feeling lost and start moving forward
  • How to handle the inbetween period between work
  • What to do with any residual anger and resentment, and where it really comes from
  • How to build resilience and flexibility
  • Tactics for inspiring yourself and your creativity
  • Why you should adopt a "just say yes" philosophy and where it can lead you
  • How you can take back control and use this time as a creative incubation period

Looking for other episodes in my "Holiday Survival Series?" All episodes are available on

Want to see the list of holiday gifts referenced in this episode? Check out the Amazon section on my website for some of my favorite gifts for family and friends, the best kitchen gadgets and more!

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Until next time, thank you and happy holidays!