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Make It Plain Podcast

Sep 6, 2024

In this week's Black World News, Kehinde nearly got arrested. The police, a Black police officer (at that) politely invited Kehinde for a voluntary interview at the police station about a video he put online. The video was posted on YouTube two months ago called It's not a Crime to Call a "Coconut" a "Coconut." Posted in response to Marieha Hussain's arrest for carrying a placard during a pro-Palestine demonstration, depicting the faces of former Tory prime minister Rishi Sunak and Suella Braverman, the former Tory home secretary, alongside coconuts under a tree on a beach. Since then she lost her job and was charged with a racially aggravated public order offense.

Marieha's trial is next week: September 12, 2024, at 10 am, at Westminster Magistrates Court in London, and the rally will be around 9 am. Kehinde plans to be there.
In this week's official guest interview, Kehinde is joined by Erika Brown, co-host of the Broke-ish podcast, for a mashup between Make it Plain and Broke-ish podcasts (the recording will be available on Broke-ish at a later date). 

They explore with respectful dialogue and disagreement: how to embody the values of the Black radical tradition in their work and podcasting and consider what public sociology and public scholarship are, and how they fit in as Black radical public intellectuals. They talk about the good, the bad, and the in-between.

This podcast conversation has been partly funded by a grant Erika received from the Jane Nelson Institute for Women's Leadership at Texas University. 
Erika Brown started working in corporate America when she was 20 and built a career of almost 25 years in Marketing and Product Management. From the time she was a child, she vowed that no one would know more about her money than her. Erika lives with her husband and two daughters in suburban Dallas, TX where she enjoys chicken on the bone as much as possible. Erika is a PhD student in sociology at the Texas Women's University. 

Broke-ish is about being broke—broke and Black in America. About all the unbelievable *ish that America has done to Black people to keep us in this broke-ish state.  How we've been in ways that personal finance tips and traditional financial literacy can’t fix. 

It's not a crime to call a Coconut a Coconut, Kehinde's video on YouTube

Policing terms like House Negro insults Black political thought, Kehinde's post on MIP

Broke-ish link tree

Broke-ish Podcast

Op-Ed in Yes Magazine False Prophets of Profit by Erika Brown

Harambee Organisation of Black Unity
(Marcus Garvey Centre + Nicole Andrews Community Library, Birmingham, UK)

CAP25 - Convention of Afrikan People - Gambia - May 17-19, 2025 (Everyone's Welcome*)
On Malcolm X’s 100th birthday, the Harambee Organisation of Black Unity is bringing together those in Afrika and the Diaspora who want to fulfill Malcolm’s legacy and build a global organization for Black people. This is an open invitation to anyone.

*On the CAP Steering Committee, we have a Marginalized identities group that looks at LGBTQIA+ and other marginalized identities within Blackness, to ensure all Black people are included.

BUF - Black United Front 
Global directory of Black organizations. This will be hosted completely free of charge so if you run a Black organization please email the name, address, website, and contact info to to be listed.

Guest links:
(T) @brownerika @broke_ish (IG) @brownerikah brokeishpodcast  
Host: (IG) @kehindeandrews  (X) @kehinde_andrews 
Podcast team: @makeitplainorg @weylandmck @inhisownterms @farafinmuso (Blog) (YT)
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Make it Plain is the Editorial Wing of the Harambee Organisation of Black Unity