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Make It Plain Podcast

Sep 13, 2024

No official guests this week, instead Kehinde Andrews drops some POLITICAL EDUCATION and cracks these coconuts for us, keeping us sane in a racist world. He highlights two recent, related, and ongoing events: he's facing a "house negro" police probe and Marieha Hussain's current "coconut trial" (taking place at Westminister Magistrates Court yesterday and today). 

Kehinde is facing a criminal investigation after the police came knocking on his door thanks to a complaint made by Black conservative commentator Calvin Robinson about a video posted earlier this year in which Kehinde called Calvin a "house negro." Marieha is a Brown woman charged with a hate crime over a satirical and political placard depicting former UK prime minister Rishi Sunak and former home secretary Suela Braverman as coconuts during a pro-Palestinian rally last year. 

Kehinde explains why we shouldn't be surprised at these charges, as there is precedent. He breaks down how the Race Relations Act came into law in England and Wales in 1965, and how 5 of the first 6 prosecutions in 1967, for racism under this legislation were against Black and Brown people. He underlines how from the very beginning, the British state was criminalizing us, by conflating prejudice with racism the law attacks prejudice. He concludes that the whole legal framework is the problem, quoting attorney and a co-founder of critical race theory (CRT), Derrick Bell "What we designate as “racial progress” is not a solution to that problem. It is a regeneration of the problem in a particularly perverse form."

Leading Black professor faces police probe after calling former GB News host Calvin Robinson a ‘house n*gro’

Marieha Hussain: Protest outside court as ‘coconut’ placard trial begins by Nadine White

Leila Hassan Howe: ‘My life was made hell. You’d just hear a tirade against immigrants’ by Kehinde Andrews

Roy Hackett: the civil rights hero who stood in front of a bus – and changed Britain for ever by Kehinde Andrews

Renegade The Life and Times of Darcus Howe


Harambee Organisation of Black Unity
(Marcus Garvey Centre + Nicole Andrews Community Library, Birmingham, UK)

CAP25 - Convention of Afrikan People - Gambia - May 17-19, 2025 (Everyone's Welcome*)
On Malcolm X’s 100th birthday, the Harambee Organisation of Black Unity is bringing together those in Afrika and the Diaspora who want to fulfill Malcolm’s legacy and build a global organization for Black people. This is an open invitation to anyone.

*On the CAP Steering Committee, we have a Marginalized identities group that looks at LGBTQIA+ and other marginalized identities within Blackness, to ensure all Black people are included.

BUF - Black United Front 
Global directory of Black organizations. This will be hosted completely free of charge so if you run a Black organization please email the name, address, website, and contact info to to be listed.

Host: (IG) @kehindeandrews  (X) @kehinde_andrews 
Podcast team: @makeitplainorg @weylandmck @inhisownterms @farafinmuso (Blog) (YT)
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Make it Plain is the Editorial Wing of the Harambee Organisation of Black Unity