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Make It Plain Podcast

Nov 10, 2023

In this week's Black World News, Kehinde Andrews rants about reparations washing, and the recent case in point of Lloyd's of London's "slavery" report; why he'd need to report himself under the new UK gov plans to criminalize dissent that also directly focuses on Muslims, which essentially conflates extremism with radicalism, and more on Israel-Palestine.
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In this week's guest interview, Kehinde Andrews talks with Dawn Butler Labour Member of Parliament (MP) about how she navigates work as a Black female MP. Since day she has managed to represent, talk the truth, and most importantly stayed Black while doing her job in parliament—one of the Whitest places—despite the advice when she first came into parliament of "not to be too Black." 

She's therefore an amazing example of what we need to see more of from politicians in electoral politics. In this interview, she offers examples, like THE coup ran against her when she ran for deputy speaker, of how she manages and balances the impact of engaging with the constant gendered and racial reminders that arise for a Black Woman in one of the UK's Whitest and highest-profile workplaces. 
Dawn Butler a Labour Member of Parliament for Brent Central, London, the third Black woman to be elected an MP, the first ever to speak at the dispatch box and the first Black female chair of the women’s Parliamentary Labour Party (PLP). She's the author of "A Purposeful Life: What I’ve Learned About Breaking Barriers and Inspiring Change" (2023). She was named the "most promising feminist under 35" by New Statesman magazine, honored as MP of the year at the 2009 Women in Public Life Awards, and was named one of the 25 most influential women in the UK by Vogue in 2020.

Lloyd’s of London slavery review fails to settle heated question of reparations

The transatlantic slave trade

The materials are drawn from the collection of Lloyd’s the Insurance Market

Revealed: plan to brand anyone ‘undermining’ UK as extremist

Dawn's book "A Purposeful Life What I’ve Learned About Breaking Barriers and Inspiring Change"

Alison Hammond responds to complaint about her ‘Rolex’ on This Morning: ‘Sorry you felt uncomfortable’

Dawn Butler Talks Honesty, Purpose & Surviving Cancer

Teachers presenting White privilege as fact are breaking the law, warns minister
Guest: @dawnbutlerbrent (IG + T)
Host: @kehindeandrews (IG) @kehinde_andrews (T)
Podcast team: @makeitplainorg @weylandmck @inhisownterms @farafinmuso
Platform: (Web) | (YT)
THE PSYCHOSIS OF WHITENESS: Surviving the Insanity of a Racist World
By Kehinde Andrews

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