Aug 25, 2023
So many dances to come up with, but so little time? Let's talk about a few ways to take choreography and repurpose it over and over again to save you time, AND help your dancers. No need to stress about coming up with new dances any longer.
Aug 18, 2023
What do you do in a class? Warm-up, across the floor, combo, and....???? Here is a list of activities to add to your dance class lesson plan to fill up your classes with some richness. Sometimes we just need reminders of old ideas and little sparks of new ones to create great classes. Enjoy!
Aug 10, 2023
First day of school! First day of school! Yay! The first day of dance class is filled with anticipation and excitement. Here is a checklist of things to do to get off on the good foot. You got this!
Aug 9, 2023
New year, new you? Thinking about what to write down to get ready for a new season of dance? I got you! Here are 7 things to include in a lesson plan blueprint for your classes to get you organized for ready for your class. And the blueprint gives you a great way to reflect and adjust along the way as you teach...
Aug 8, 2023
Starting off a new session of classes and wondering the best ways to lay the groundwork for best year? Today we will review some quick tips for you to build the foundation for great classroom management.