Nov 24, 2023
Looking for something new to talk to your students about? In today's episode I go over 7 spots on our bodies that can get forgotten about when we teach. You can apply one or all of these little areas as focus points in your upcoming classes. Or maybe talk about one each class over the next several weeks. Or maybe just...
Nov 17, 2023
With Thanksgiving around the corner, I am thinking about basting a turkey - which reminds me of B.A.S.T.E. That's right, the dance concepts of Body, Action, Space, Time and Energy. It is not glamorous or showy, but it is creative and expansive. In today's episode, I give a brief overview of the concepts and a few ideas...
Nov 10, 2023
Ever wonder why sometimes you are saying the right things to gian some control of your dance class, but it's not working? But have you checked your tone? This little thing can make a huge difference in your effectiveness in classroom management. This is a hidden struggle that we can all encounter - I know I do. So in...
Nov 3, 2023
Want your dancers to achieve something beyond the dance step? Today we will talk about how to add objectives in your dance class that are more than just the steps. Want to build resiliency? Increase their musicality? Create dance enthusiasts? This episode will inspire you to take a moment to add a section in your...