Jan 26, 2024
One students joins one class, a student drops in another class. It can be so frustrating! Yet it is often just a reality we can't escape. In today's episode, I share 3 mindsets to adapt when our class rolls fluctuate. Also, I'll go over some ideas to consider to address your choreography when students add or drop last...
Jan 19, 2024
Where do you stand, dance teacher? Literally! Considering where we stand while we teach can help us gain student focus, give you a fresh look, and shake up your class. In today's short episode, you will get ideas to think about in your next class that's just about where you stand.
Jan 16, 2024
Oh My Goodness, Dance Teacher! i just watched Ariana Grande's new music video and went back to watch a Paula Abdul music video, and I am pumped up! These ladies brought fresh to me how we can use inspiration from other artists to make our own work. Plus, they are both ON FIRE! Give this podcast a listen and watch the...
Jan 12, 2024
Not really feeling good, but not sick enough to call in for a sub? Been there! In today's podcast, let's make our own sub plans for those days when we want a sub but still show up. I have 10 ideas to share with you, some that you can do on the fly, a few that need a bit of prep. Your future dance teacher self will...
Jan 5, 2024
Recital dances don't choreograph themselves. Sometimes, choreography just flows out of us, but sometimes we need new ideas and inspiration. In today's episode, I share the places I go to in order to keep my recital choreography fresh (and I have been doing this for a while). You will know where to look to find new...