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Rock Solid Relationships

Jun 29, 2021

"I should be further along"

"I should just be grateful"

"I should give my husband the benefit of the doubt"

"I shouldn't complain about his job."

"I should be more patient with my kids"

The language of shame often begins with "should". Learn how to recognize it in your own life and see how it actually creates...

Jun 22, 2021

Selfie mode is when we focus on ourselves and all of our perceived flaws. It robs us of connection with ourselves and others. 

Listen to this week's podcast to know when you are in selfie mode and how to flip your focus and view to create love and connection. 

Instagram: @sarapaynecoaching

Jun 15, 2021

"I'll do it tomorrow"


"I'm just not a morning person"


"It's too hard"


"One more won't matter"


All of these thoughts give us permission to give up on what we want most in favor of what we want in the moment. This podcast will teach you how to notice these thoughts and talk to your brain more than you listen. 

Jun 8, 2021

Our brain loves to categorize things as good or bad, right or wrong, healthy or unhealthy, fair or unfair. This can be efficient but also very problematic, especially when it comes to people and relationships. Learn how to spot black or white thinking in your relationships and some questions to ask yourself when you...

Jun 1, 2021

Learn why the word "try" is so disempowering and how to speak about your goals in a different way. 

Instagram: @sarapaynecoaching

Facebook: @sarapaynecoaching