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Rock Solid Relationships

Mar 29, 2022

This subject we're talking about today is a tender one. I know it's sensitive for a lot of us. But I also think it's important to talk about. We all struggle with body image. I don't know how you can't being a woman growing up in our current society. We are bombarded with a specific standard of what our body should look...

Mar 22, 2022

In this episode, I want to share with you a chapter from my new book, I Did All of That for This? (available on Amazon). The chapter I share on resentment is one that I think will really resonate with many of you. You can even read it with your husband if you want--and introduce him to thought work--then it’s ME...

Mar 15, 2022

Have you noticed that sometimes it’s difficult to be happy for someone when something good happens to them? Why is that? I think it’s because we’re looking at it from a scarcity mindset - that will never happen to me - when we could be looking at it from a different perspective - now we know that it’s possible!...

Mar 8, 2022

As I’ve worked with doctor’s wives over the past years, I have found that there are three common pitfalls that almost all of us fall into. Today I want to share with you one of those pitfalls. Because I’ve been thinking a lot about relationships lately and how important our marriage relationship is to us and our...

Mar 1, 2022

I used to think that resentment was based in anger. Anger that my husband spent so much time at work. That he spent so much time with his patients. But what I’ve come to realize is that resentment is actually based in envy. Envy that my husband has something outside of the house that I don’t. In this episode, I talk...