Apr 26, 2022
Has this ever happened to you? You have a great family dinner planned and your husband either calls to say he’s going to be late or doesn’t call at all. And you feel frustrated and angry but then you tell yourself that you shouldn’t be frustrated and angry because [fill in blank]. Emotions may be caused by...
Apr 19, 2022
Let’s talk today about why you avoid your emotions. Now first, friends, I want to make sure you know that avoiding emotions doesn’t make you bad, or weak, it makes you human. But let’s get curious about why we try to avoid our emotions, what that looks like when we do, and, if we want to, how we can stop avoiding...
Apr 12, 2022
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work with a life coach? Since you’re listening to this podcast, my guess is that you’re at least a little intrigued. So today, I want to talk you through what it’s like to work with me. And if you’re more than a little intrigued by the idea of working with me, I...
Apr 5, 2022
For all of you in the messy middle, I’m talking to you today. And, really, that’s all of us because we are all in the middle of something, right? Have you ever woken up and just thought, “I don’t want to be me today”? This episode is of you. It’s easy to enjoy a hero’s journey when you know it will all...