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Rock Solid Relationships

Mar 28, 2023

Today’s episode was inspired by the book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra. One of the spiritual laws is the Law of Giving. He says, “If you want to be blessed with all of the good things in life, bless everyone.” Let me show you how.

Instagram: @sarapaynecoaching

Mar 21, 2023

As human beings we try to avoid feeling uncertainty at all costs. In this episode, we’re going to talk about how you can feel certain in this uncertain world, and it’s probably in a way you haven’t thought of before.

Instagram: @sarapaynecoaching

Facebook: @sarapaynecoaching

Mar 14, 2023

If you ever feel like you swing from one negative emotion to another, the concept I teach you today will help ground you so you can get off that swing and feel more centered and calm.

Instagram: @sarapaynecoaching

Facebook: @sarapaynecoaching

Mar 7, 2023

I am excited to welcome Robyn Mons back to the podcast this week. This time, we’re going to be discussing conscious eating and how it is so much easier than following a set of rules or a plan that someone gives you. We are also going to talk about how becoming a conscious eater will not just affect the scale or...