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The Amber Clave

Jun 27, 2018

The knot meets with a strange member of the Order of Truth and enters the City of Rust.

GM: Megan

Aser as Korshen Lambro, Landan as Mako, and Shaunna as Jessamy Gray

If you want to hear the latest news about the show and keep up with what's going on in the world of Numenera, check us out on Twitter @amberclave...

Jun 13, 2018

The knot heads down into the deep, arriving at the Squamous Colesseum to recover a mutating concoction.

GM: Megan

Aser as Korshen Lambro, Landan as Mako, and Shaunna as Jessamy Gray

If you want to hear the latest news about the show and keep up with what's going on in the world of Numenera, check us out...