Dec 23, 2020
The knot meets some new, strange allies.
GM: Megan
Players: Aser as Rigel Sloan, Landan as Garrett, and Shaunna as Rafaella Stel
Music by Rob Anderson. Logo by Taylor Livingston. Editing and Production by Lucas - check out his show Ballad of the Seven Dice!
If you want to hear the latest news about the show and keep...
Dec 9, 2020
The knot contemplates different options for taking charge of the Harbor.
GM: Megan
Players: Aser as Rigel Sloan, Landan as Garrett, and Shaunna as Rafaella Stel
Music by Rob Anderson. Logo by Taylor Livingston. Editing and Production by Lucas - check out his show Ballad of the Seven Dice!
If you want to hear the latest...
Nov 28, 2020
Season 3 features a new knot and new rules, as we transition to Numenera Discovery and Destiny. The knot heads to sea to help found a colony on a "mysterious" new volcano
GM: Megan
Players: Aser as Rigel Sloan, Landan as Garrett, and Shaunna as Rafaella Stel
Music by Rob Anderson. Logo by Taylor Livingston. Editing and...
Nov 23, 2020
We were very excited to sit down with Monte Cook to talk about the new Heroes of the Cypher System kickstarter, super heroes, what heroes look like in 2020, monsters, and the evolution of the Cypher System.
You can find Heroes of the Cypher System on kickstarter through December 11, 2020. As we mention in the...
Oct 8, 2020
A ship of adventurers is recruited to help a small town.
GM: Megan
Players: Aser as Shote, Bernie as Caesar, Kim as Magrathea, and Tom as Zapagap.
Music by Rob Anderson. Logo by Taylor Livingston.
If you want to hear the latest news about the show and keep up with what's going on in the world of Numenera, check us out...