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The Amber Clave

Feb 19, 2020

The knot arrives in Nihliesh, and finds thatt hey were right to be worried about assassination attempts. 

GM: Megan

Players: Aser as Korshen Lambro, Landan as Mako, and Shaunna as Jessamy Gray

Music by Rob Anderson. Logo by Taylor Livingston.

Need more Amber Clave? You can find us streaming on Twitch every other Sunday...

Feb 5, 2020

The knot goes on a treasure hunt with their new octopus friend.

GM: Megan

Players: Aser as Korshen Lambro, Landan as Mako, and Shaunna as Jessamy Gray. Special Guest Jonn as Eigh Tarm.

Music by Rob Anderson. Logo by Taylor Livingston.

Need more Amber Clave? You can find us streaming on Twitch every other Sunday...