May 20, 2020
As the season concludes, the knot has to make some hard choices.
GM: Megan
Players: Aser as Korshen Lambro, Landan as Mako, and Shaunna as Jessamy Gray
Music by Rob Anderson. Logo by Taylor Livingston.
If you want to hear the latest news about the show and keep up with what's going on in the world of Numenera, check us...
May 6, 2020
The knot finds that helping Zalkezia is a bit more complicated then they thought.
GM: Megan
Players: Aser as Korshen Lambro, Landan as Mako, and Shaunna as Jessamy Gray
Music by Rob Anderson. Logo by Taylor Livingston.
If you want to hear the latest news about the show and keep up with what's going on in the world of...