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The Easy Feed

Jul 29, 2024

In today's episode, I reflect on lessons learnt both a mum and a paediatric dietitian. 

Feeding children can be quite a journey, filled with trials and triumphs. What I know now is very different from what I knew back when I started out as a paediatric dietitian pre kids!

In this episode, I'll be diving into three things I'd do differently if I could start over, and three things I'd definitely keep the same. It's all about learning from our experiences and making life easier for each other.

Key Points of Discussion:

  1. Avoiding Food Talk at the Table: Learn how reducing food-related conversations can help alleviate mealtime stress and encourage a more relaxed environment.
  2. Keeping an Open Mind: Discover the benefits of offering a variety of foods and approaching meals with a positive mindset.
  3. Persistence with New Foods: Find out why it’s crucial to keep presenting new foods to your kids, even if they initially reject them.
  4. Eating Together: Understand the significance of family mealtimes for fostering healthy eating habits and family bonding.
  5. Making Food Fun: Explore creative ways to involve your kids in food preparation and make healthy eating enjoyable.

Whether you're a mum or a dad, this episode is packed with practical advice and personal stories to help you navigate the ups and downs of feeding your little ones.

For more recipes and feeding tips, check out my website: Nourish with Karina . Let's make mealtimes easier and more enjoyable for everyone!