Jun 25, 2024
This podcast will show how and why traditional Judaism is the only society in the world where it is a crime not to help someone else in need, and demands that each Jew fulfill this responsibility as much as possible within Jewish law. It will also show how this fundamental concept changes the life and values system of...
Jun 25, 2024
This podcast will show how and why traditional Judaism is the only society in the world where it is a crime not to help someone else in need, and demands that each Jew fulfill this responsibility as much as possible within Jewish law. It will also show how this fundamental concept changes the life and values system of a...
Jun 18, 2024
This podcast will first examine how Jews should ideally live among non-Jews when Jews are in the minority. Should their relationship be close or distant? If Jews are the Chosen People, how do God and the Jews view non-Jews in the world? These fundamental questions will be examined through traditional Jewish sources, and...
Jun 18, 2024
This podcast will first examine how Jews should ideally live among non-Jews when Jews are in the minority. Should their relationship be close or distant? If Jews are the Chosen People, how do God and the Jews view non-Jews in the world? These fundamental questions will be examined through traditional Jewish sources, and...
Jun 11, 2024
Are Mitzvot commands from God or good deeds? What is the difference? If a Jew has full belief in God, why is there any need to do any action to prove that belief? Can one be a good Jew without keeping the commandments, as long as he believes - and vice versa? What is the overall purpose of Mitzvot-commandments?...