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Age Blind

Oct 31, 2023

If you truly love your kids and friends, you’ll downsize NOW!
Betsy is a professional organizer and her team have combed through hoarders’ possessions, older (and younger) people’s “stuff,” and dated men with dirty homes and cars (but not for long).

Learn about:
The mental impact of decluttering your life

Oct 17, 2023

Whether you've never been married or divorced or widowed and are >50, you are sometimes treated like a piece of rotten fruit or spoiled yogurt.
People may assume there's something tragically wrong with you, or you're too picky.
In this episode, I (a divorced woman who's been single for three years) and Brian Howie...

Oct 7, 2023

Nancy A Shenker (aka The Geezer Proofer(TM)) reveals it all. Well, almost all!
If you feel stuck, ancient, tired, useless or that you missed the memo (or several), this episode is for you -- aany age!
Before she starts welcoming guests to the podcast, In about 20 minutes, Nancy will share:
  • The first six decades of...