Dec 27, 2023
This episode’s featured dark tale revolves around Hector Xavier Monsegur, also known as Sabu, a prominent figure in hacking and hacktivism. Born in 1983 in Puerto Rico, Sabu's challenging upbringing led him to explore hacking from a young age. The story follows Sabu's hacking techniques, such as...
Dec 13, 2023
Welcome to the Digital Desperados Podcast, where we embark on an enthralling journey into the life of Gary McKinnon, also known as Solo, the NASA Hacker. Gary's story is nothing short of extraordinary - driven by his obsession with UFOs, he dared to breach the formidable digital fortresses of NASA, the U.S. Army, Navy,...
Nov 29, 2023
In this episode of the Digital Desperados Podcast, we explore the riveting tale of Mafia Boy, a child prodigy turned hacker extraordinaire. His early experiments with AOL trials led to a life in the shadows, culminating in a colossal DDoS attack that caused a jaw-dropping $1.7 billion in damages.
Our podcast is...
Nov 15, 2023
In this podcast, you’ll hear the dark tale of Evgeny Mikhailovich Bogachev, also known as Slavik, a prolific Russian cybercriminal. Slavik's cybercrime journey began around 2010 when he created the Game Over Zeus (GOZ) botnet, a vast network of compromised computers.
GOZ was responsible for distributing the...
Oct 19, 2023
It seems that Alberto Gonzalez has always been a thrill seeker. From hacking into NASA at just 14 years old to eventually working as a government spy, Gonzalez seemed to have a love for getting into trouble. From his early hacking days, he began collecting, using, and selling credit card information, which he continued...