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What's The Deal? With Seth Struiksma

Jan 12, 2024

If you're ready to take actionable steps toward personal development, this is the episode for you! Press play and discover the secrets to living a fulfilling and intentional life with Austin Santee as he offers insights on how you can unlock the unlimited possibilities seated within you right now.


Key takeaways to listen for

  • What is online fitness coaching, and how does it work?

  • Different ways to achieve holistic wellness and self-confidence

  • The power of aligning what you do with your core values and goals

  • Things you need to know to foster healthy relationships and friendships

  • Why it’s important to reframe breakups positively


About Austin Santee

Passion for positive change and improvement is what drives Austin Santee to help others in the way he does. His early passion for sports initially led him down a path of physical achievement through competition. But he discovered that metals and awards don’t fix what’s broken on the inside. Today, Austin is obtaining his Ph.D. in psychology to provide a fully-rounded coaching experience for those who are also passionate about success.


Connect with Austin



LinkedIn: Seth Struiksma