Feb 25, 2018
1. Have you ever listened to a motivational teacher to the point where you were ready to make huge changes in your life, but after a couple days you lost all that motivation? Motivational teaching is great for building you up, but where do you go after you come back down?
2. Matthew Bivens joins me and we talk about...
Feb 18, 2018
1. When you get angry, frustrated or upset toward someone else, how quickly do you recover? Would you like to recover faster and get into a better space? I'll walk you through questions you can ask yourself that lead to change.
2. How do you feed the dysfunction of others? If you get into emotionally abusive...
Feb 11, 2018
1. If you want to change someone's life, sometimes all it takes is a heartfelt "Thank You" or compliment. But not in passing. A thank you or compliment that makes them stop and process it can be quite powerful.
2. If you are dealing with insecurities about yourself, this segment and the final segment will help you start...
Feb 4, 2018
1. Without a history of breakups, your first major one can seem devastating and life ending. In this segment, I help the newbie get through all the symptoms of the first major heartbreak.
2. When you think your relationship is horrible and you find yourself taking up all the slack for your deadbeat other half, are you...