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The Overwhelmed Brain

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Visit for a podcast on dealing with a difficult relationship. 


Mar 24, 2019

Do you have any regrets? Are you upset about your behavior or a loved one's behavior from long ago and just can't seem to get over it? Who you were in the past doesn't equate to who you are today. If you are going to get past some of the regrets or upsets from the past, you need to learn to differentiate. This episode...

Mar 21, 2019

The Love and Abuse podcast is about poisonous communication and toxic behavior. This is a bonus episode on The Overwhelmed Brain feed just in case you haven't had a chance to tune into Love and Abuse. This episode is about always defending yourself with certain people. When you find yourself needed to constantly defend,...

Mar 17, 2019

When you learn what your boundaries are and why enforcing them makes you a happier, more fulfilled person, your life changes. It's time to change your life!

Mar 10, 2019

If you want true happiness, you might have to do the scariest thing imaginable: Show up and express the most authentic version of yourself. That can be scary and difficult, and that's why it's important to address and figure out what it entails and how to do it.

Mar 3, 2019

Do you make small compromises with the people you love so that they will like or love you more? There are two ways to compromise: One has attached resentments, the other doesn't. I'll give you one guess which method of compromise works better for the relationships in your life.