Nov 22, 2015
There's a parable that reminds us that there are
two wolves inside us all. One is evil (anger,
jealousy, greed and resentment). The other is good
(joy, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy and
bravery). The question is, which one wins? At least, that's what
Eric Zimmer of The One You Feed podcast likes to ask his guests on
every episode of his show.
I brought Eric on today to talk about his show and his past
struggles with drug addiction, alcoholism and depression (not
necessarily in that order) and what he did to move through that and
into a better place in himself. We also get into his take
on Positive thinking, law of attraction, and affirmations
(which you know tend to annoy me).
I also talk about depression and beliefs after the interview, and
how one belief can empower you and the other can take it away.
Finally, I close the show talking about a practice in
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