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Crimelines® True Crime

Mar 31, 2020

 In 1974, a girl walking to her family car on Cape Cod found the body of a woman in a grove of trees. Nearly 46 years later, the woman remains only known as Lady of the Dunes. Who was she? Who killed her? These are answers the Provincetown police continue to seek.

In the event you have any information on the Lady of the...

Mar 21, 2020

In August 2019, Kaysera Stops Pretty Places left her aunt’s home in Hardin, Montana. Where she went and what she did remain unknown to her family. In fact, most of the facts of her case have been withheld or misreported by the agencies tasked with investigating. Though her family has many questions, the one they want...

Mar 9, 2020

When Nailah Franklin went missing in September 2007, police quickly narrowed in on a suspect. Less than three months later, he was arrested but it would take 8 years for the case to go to trial as he continued to proclaim his innocence and assert his right to defend himself in court. Would Nailah Franklin’s family...

Mar 2, 2020

In December 2019, the Rexburg Idaho police department issued a press release about two missing children, Tylee Ryan and JJ Vallow. As the case rapidly unfolded in the media, people were drawn into a story of deaths, disappearances, and a doomsday cult. But the people who know where Tylee and JJ aren’t talking.

If you...