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Crimelines® True Crime

Sep 21, 2020

 In December 1985, 28-year-old Debbie Wolfe didn’t show up to work one morning. Less than a week later, her body was found very close to her home. This is a case that challenges people's memories, motives, and puts a family at odds with the police department trusted to investigate.

Music by Scott Buckley

Cover art by...

Sep 17, 2020

In January 1997, Sara Davey’s parents dropped her off with a friend in Broome, Western Australia. She went out to the bar where she was seen leaving with a man named Richard Dorrough. When her family didn’t hear from her again, they called the police. Richard was dropped as a suspect when there were a few...

Sep 8, 2020

 In February 1999, Paul Skiba and his employee Lorenzo Chivers headed back home after working two moving jobs. With them xwas Paul’s 9-year-old daughter Sarah, who was spending the weekend with Paul. When they never made it back, an arrest warrant was issued for Paul for kidnapping his daughter. But the family...

Sep 3, 2020

It was the 5th Monday of the month, which is a week I usually take off. Except when I don't. I decided to cover a really interesting case that's shorter than usual so I guess I took a half-week off.

In 1981, a 35 year old man was arrested for killing Anna Bachmeier, a bubbly 7 year old who went missing on the way to...