Sef Salem is an occultist and sorcerer with over twenty years’
experience of personal and group magical practice. Initially
trained as a Gnostic Mystic, he joined Ordo Templi Orientis in 2010
and founded the international group Gentlemen 4 Jupiter shortly
afterwards. He organised the Occult Conference in Glastonbury
between 2014 and 2018, and continues to serve on its organising
During this time he developed the Star Club Framework, which
has been taught in Bristol since 2019 in a private magical group,
offering open rituals to local practitioners. Sef is a director of
The Visible College C.I.C., a platform dedicated to
helping others improve themselves through learning and development,
and is facilitating the International Thelemic
Symposium in Oxford on September
21st with Mogg Morgan of Mandrake Books.
About the Podcast
DiWulf authors Steven DiLodovico and Amy Yates Wuelfing talk to writers and musicians about stuff.