Nov 29, 2023
If you love Jesus Christ then you keep the commandments he has given, love your brother, and walk as he walked. How do you do these thing? Listen in...
Streaking the Scriptures is a daily podcast where we discuss the how behind the what of the scriptures. When you read at least a verse, how do you apply it? Let's talk...
Nov 28, 2023
Love and light are the two words that John emphasizes in his epistles. God deals in light and wants us to be with him in the light. The question is how much light can we handle?
Streaking the Scriptures is a daily podcast where we discuss the how behind the what of the scriptures. When you read at least a verse, how do...
Nov 27, 2023
We learn that Christ went a preached to the "spirits who were in prison" and that there was a doctrine of being "baptized for the dead." Why did Peter want us to know this and what do we learn about God?
Streaking the Scriptures is a daily podcast where we discuss the how behind the what of the scriptures. When you read...
Nov 26, 2023
When you work together in unity you achieve the best outcomes.
Streaking the Scriptures is a daily podcast where we discuss the how behind the what of the scriptures. When you read at least a verse, how do you apply it? Let's talk about it together.
Nov 24, 2023
Studying 1 Peter 2:1-20 First impression, Peter is not easy to read. He has a lot of advice but the way he writes it is not easy to understand. The major question that I asked today is,"how do you put off all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings?" I share my unfiltered thoughts on...