Jun 26, 2024
In this episode, Jeffery Downs discusses Alma 16 and reflects on the importance of following the prophet's counsel and receiving specific revelation. He highlights the fulfillment of prophecy and the miraculous events that occurred when Zoram and his sons followed Alma's guidance. Jeffery also explores the...
Jun 25, 2024
Alma and Amulek come out of prison and find the people who were cast out and stoned for believing in their words. Zeezrom, who had accused Alma and Amulek, is sick with a burning fever caused by guilt. He sends for Alma and Amulek, who immediately go to him and heal him through the power of Christ. Zeezrom then...
Jun 24, 2024
In this episode, Jeffery Downs continues his study of the Book of Alma in the Book of Mormon. He focuses on Alma chapter 14, where Alma and Amulek are persecuted and imprisoned for preaching the word of God. Despite enduring humiliation, mocking, and physical abuse, Alma and Amulek maintain their faith and...
Jun 23, 2024
Alma chapter 13 discusses the ordination of high priests and the importance of exceeding faith and good works. It emphasizes the need to humble ourselves, repent, and follow the Lord. The chapter also mentions Melchizedek and his role in establishing peace among his people. The ultimate goal is to enter into the...
Jun 21, 2024
In this episode, Jeffery discusses Alma's confrontation with Zeezrom and the importance of avoiding the subtle snares of Satan. He emphasizes the need to be mindful of the content we consume and to actively choose righteousness over wickedness. Jeffery also explores the concept of receiving knowledge and...